Jag önskar att alla barn i världen fick gå i skolan, att alla krig tog slut, att alla människor lät sig styras av förnuft, klokskap och medkännande, att alla sjukdomar kunde botas, att alla vill varandra väl, att våra olikheter ses som resurs, att alla kunde omfattas i en gemensam värdegrund …. att …
I wish that all children in the world was going to school, that war was over, that all men and women let themselves be guided by common sense, wisdom and compassion, that all diseases could be cured, that all want each other well, that our differences would be seen as a resource, that all could fall into a common set of values .... that
The sky is no longer the limit!
… om vi bara vill …. om ALLA vill …. IMAGINE (click the link to listen)