Friday, 15 July 2011

Staircase to heaven

The Weekend in Black and White 


EG CameraGirl said...

Oh my goodness. The stairs look steep. :))

Rune said...

Hmm - glad jeg slipper å gå opp der. Fint fanget :)

Mona said...

Härligt perspektiv med snygga linjer och mönster. Perfekt i B&W.

Anonymous said...

L like the symphony of forms.

genie said...

Love the curves and the straight lines....superb in black and white. I would hate to be having to climb that staircase. I think my stomach would be upside down. It looks sososo high. Genie

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very good black and white photography.


Francisca said...

Ah, first the geometry hits me, then I must look at it a while to make out what it is. That makes it an intriguing photo.

[To answer your question: I worked in China as an international trade consultant in the 80's and then as co-owner of a trading company designing home decor for global markets since 1999. Last year I made a full career switch, but since my husband is Chinese born and still has projects in China, I expect to continue traveling there. Over the years I have seen almost every corner of the country, for business and for pleasure. :-) ]

Hedwig said...

Detta är ju en nödutgång, väl?
Veckans hus tema just nu.

anemonen said...

Wow Maybe I shall take a step or two. Lovely endeed! Like

TheChieftess said...

Lot's of interesting detail!!!

Dragonstar said...

Wonderful patterns! I like the shapes against the sky.

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Not sure about heaven!


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