Tuesday, 18 October 2011

N is for Negotiate

ABC Wednesday 

Can you negotiate with time?


I admire people who are good at negotiating. That’s a kind of skill we need a lot of nowerdays. I am only good at negotiating with myself and of course with my grandchildren.

The picture is an old clock in Lund Cathedral.


Wenche said...

That was an old one :0) Nice :0)

Scriptor Senex said...

There is a similar clock in Exeter Cathedral - fascinating.

I guess time and death are non-negotiable!

Roy Schulze said...

Negotiate with time?
N-O spells No, unfortunately.
My ABC Wednesday this week is Neil Armstrong.

Roger Owen Green said...

Time is NOT fungible, in my experience. Maybe Einstein could have worked on that.
ROG, ABC wednesday team

Nanka said...

Time and tide waits for no man, imagine the clock having to find time to negotiate!! :P

Ingrid said...

I think I am quiet good in negotiating but certainly not with the time !
ABC team

Chronicles of Illusions said...

you certainly gave me something to ponder with this one

Hedwig said...

Detta foto hör ju hemma på Veckans Hus denna vecka !

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