Tuesday, 1 November 2011

A flash of perspectives



How many worlds do we live? That’s the question here! Is it all about layers of life?

Are we looking inward
or outward
while living our layers of life?
Life layers of lightness
and joy.
World layers of speed
in universe directions.
Why take a break in a dark layer
when there are so many light?
Turn on the flash of perspectives
while living layers of life

Ps. My inspiration for this was Arne Jones’ sculpture “Yin-Yang” in Borås.


Jag förstår inte vad det skall tjäna till men jag måste göra det.”

oktober 1969


Reader Wil said...

I agree with you that we don't know what something means until we have to do it. Your photos are excellent and I wouldn't mind having such a photo on my wall as a decoration!

Mona said...

Häftigt! I den lilla ovalen ser det lugnt och rofyllt ut, men i den stora ser det ut som om livet snurrar på fort som i en centrifug. Men jag ser ett par vägar ut ur ekorrhjulet. Det gäller att ta tillfället i akt! Med tanke på att det nyss varit Allhelgona skulle den lilla ovalen också kunna representera döden.

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